🩶 Desk update 🩶

Sunday, 9 March 2025

This week my desk setup got updated! the 2nd desk i ordered arrived same with a new monitor shelf, a much more fitting size for my widescreen~ I also put up my wacom tablet that's now been repurposed as a vertical monitor (mainly for discord/afk youtube/music/twitch stream while gaming). I had to overhaul my whole cable management actually, that caused me to freeze for a while because it was so overwhelming. I took my time and eventually got it done, so afterwards i put up my skadis board! I had to drill as well which is a first time for me.. i watched 5 youtube videos just to make sure i dont ruin our walls haha. Thankfully it worked out within first try.

🩶 Press-On set: A touch of blue 🩶

Sunday, 23 February 2025

[backlog] I'm actually so inlove with this set!! Like, I remember while making them I felt so unsure of myself and questioning the design every step of the way but i was having fun so i carried on. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone with the blue accent nail however the shade turned out much darker than what i had in mind! I was a little worried haha but the plaid design kinda balanced it out with the rest of the set i guess? doing paid design is kinda hard because of how time consuming it is to do but it's so pretty and a no-brainer design if i have nothing else in mind to make. just slap a plaid and it's already special!

🩶 Outfitsnap viii🩶

Saturday, 15 February 2025

[backlog] Another outfit with my pink mm skirt, this time paired with mm frill chiffon blouse! I really like this combination because of how light and flowy the top is~ very feminine and has smart casual vibe without looking like an office top haha. It's perfect for spring and can easily layered if need be. I also really love how the boots paired well with the rest of the coordinate creating a simple almost-neopolitan look! I just wish the platform's a bit higher but aside from that i really have no complaints for these boots, it's also worth noting how comfy i was walking in these for quite a long time. I do have insoles though but i do that for all of my shoes anyway (im flatfooted).